
At Castle Academy, safeguarding and child protection is paramount and we are fully committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our children.

Castle Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25

We believe that students have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment, which includes the right to protection from all types of abuse; where staff are vigilant for signs of any student in distress and are confident about applying the processes to avert and alleviate any such problems.

Our key aims are to ensure;

  • All our pupils are safe and protected from harm.
  • Other elements of provision and policies are in place to enable pupils to feel safe and adopt safe practices;
  • Staff, pupils, governors, visitors, volunteers and parents are aware of the expected behaviours and the school’s legal responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our pupils.

Whom should I contact?

Designated Safeguarding Leads

It is the responsibility of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Daniel Lugg, Executive Leader, (and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs), Zoe McInytre, Emma Gray, Deborah Bell and Tim Hallis) to ensure that all safeguarding issues raised in school are effectively responded to, recorded and referred to the appropriate agency.

Castle Academy’s safeguarding governors are Joseph Eyiaro and Sandra Akhigbe.  Please contact them via the school office.

EMAT Governance & Compliance –


Our safeguarding commitment

The Everyone’s Invited campaign has rightly served to focus our minds on the need to continue to work together to protect children.

We, at EMAT, believe that schools play a crucial role in teaching pupils about sex and relationships, equality and diversity and modern citizenship as well as preparing them for the modern world. This is enacted through each school’s culture, its curriculum, and all policies. We aim to give all pupils and staff a voice to enable them to act in a protective manner towards themselves and others. This includes developing a robust whistleblowing culture as well as fostering a culture of integrity and mutual respect.

We recognise that we have the responsibility of tackling sexual violence and harassment, instilling values in our stakeholders and encourage all to be driven by their strong moral compass. Like so much of education, our work must complement that undertaken by parents and carers so that young people receive a consistent message, and they can go about their lives free from harassment and abuse.

All of our schools will continue to engage with their stakeholders, listen to their concerns and signpost necessary support and provision within and beyond its schools. We ask that anyone who has experienced such behaviour, or who is suffering because of it, to report it to an appropriate adult either in the school or within the EMAT team so they can be supported, and steps can be taken to address the issue.

A dedicated NSPCC helpline is now available to support anyone who has experienced sexual abuse in educational settings or has concerns about someone or the issues raised. The dedicated NSPCC helpline number is 0800 136 663 or by emailing

Staff members can also seek support from the health and wellbeing service which is provided by Vivup via 0330 380 0658 or via Your Care.

If you are troubled about possible wrongdoing at work, please don’t keep it to yourself. Our Speak Up Policy is there to reassure you that it is safe and acceptable to speak up and to enable you to raise any concern you may have at an early stage and in the right way. If you feel unable to raise the matter with your manager, for whatever reason, please raise the matter with:

If you are unsure about raising a concern you can get free and independent advice from Protect helpline on 020 3117 2520 or by emailing

What should I do if I have concerns about a child or family?

1) Speak with one of the safeguarding leads at school

2) Contact Northamptonshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 126 7000

3) Speak to NSPCC: If you are an adult and have concerns about a child, please call 0808 800 5000. If you are a child or young person and require help, please call  0800 1111

Links to the local Safeguarding Children’s Board on:


Child Exploitation

Domestic Abuse

Please click here 

Should you have concerns about any of the above, please speak to a Safeguarding Lead in school, or contact MASH on the number above.

Early Help Offer to Parents

Early help, also known as early intervention, is support given to a family when a problem first emerges. It can be provided at any stage in a child or young person's life. To support families at our school, we offer the following ‘in house’ support:

Castle Academy:

• After School Club

• Food Bank

• School Nurse

• Jo Go Behaviour Support

• Speech and Language Support

• Attendance Support

Early Help Assessments

When a family goes through a particular challenging time, they may be offered more in-depth support through an Early Help Assessment.

This involves a group of professionals (such as School, School Nurse, siblings school/nurseries, housing officers)  working together, along with the parents to identify the needs of the family and pin point support that will help improve life for the children.

The Early Help Assessment will help identify actions for the family and will involve regular meetings to update on the progress and outcomes of these actions.

Early Help Assessments are currently led by Loise Benta, Stephanie Singlehurst and Emma Gray at Castle Academy.

Useful contacts:

Northamptonshire Police

  • Emergency: 999
  • Non emergency: 101

Reducing Incidents of Sexual Exploitation (RISE)

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Please find below our school safeguarding policies.

Get in Touch

To get in touch with Castle Academy please click on the link below, or call us on 01604 346802

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