Year 4

Click on the link below to meet our Year 4 teachers!

Autumn Spotlight

Year 4 have had a fantastic start to the term and are very eager to learn!

In Maths we have started looking at Place Value, this has meant working with some much bigger numbers - luckily, the children used their resources and their previous learning to help them!

In English, we focused on our two authors to begin with and have produced our own displays all about them and their incredible work. Now, we have started looking at poetry and the children have been learning about free verse - this is where to poem doesn't need rhyme or rhythm and can sound a bit like someone is just talking.

In Science, we are looking at the three states of matter and the children found it very funny to try and watch Miss Carpenter and Miss Scanlan try to hold water in their hands! Hopefully, they had better luck holding the ice.

In Art, Year 4 have started learning about Pablo Picasso - so keep your eyes peeled for some very interesting interpretations of some self-portraits coming soon!

The children in Year 4 have started preparing for their Multiplication Check - this is where they have to learn all of their times tables up to 12 x 12 and be able to answer them in less than 6 seconds! Hopefully, they are all practising at home on their TTRS!

We can't wait to keep sharing all the fab things Year 4 will get up to this year!


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