Year 2
Click on the link below to meet our Year 2 teachers!
Autumn Spotlight
Year 2 have settled back nicely after the summer. The children are working incredibly hard and are amazing us with their efforts.
In English, we started by exploring texts by our different authors. The children then produced some work in the style of Anthony Browne and Raymond Briggs. We have now moved onto our narrative story for the term which is Dear Earth. The children have explored adjectives and verbs and are writing longer pieces, including these new features.
In Maths, we are exploring our new maths curriculum alongside Miss Hayward and Miss Welch. We are focusing on numbers to 100 and really exploring the different parts of numbers. We enjoy using our Base Ten resources to partition the numbers. This week we have looked at numbers on a number line and ordering numbers.
In History, we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. So far, we have looked at what life was like in 1666 and we have explored how the fire started. As we move through the term we will be exploring what happened during and after the fire.
We have also enjoyed our new RE topic of Islam. In our first few lessons we explored the meaning of different special words in the religion and we compared it to words that are special to us. In PSHE, we talked about our worries and fears for the year and we talked about how we could overcome these.
In DT, we will be making puppets, Miss Welch and Miss Hayward are looking forward to seeing the children's creations as they come together.
A super start to the term, well done Year 2!